Section: New Results

Data Sharing architecture for the Personal Cloud (Axis 2)

Participants : Nicolas Anciaux [correspondent] , Philippe Pucheral, Paul Tran Van.

SWYSWYK Architecture: Pushed by recent legislation and smart disclosure initiatives, Personal Cloud platforms emerge and hold the promise of giving the control back to the individual on her data. However, this shift leaves the privacy and security issues in user's hands, a role that few people can properly endorse. Indeed, existing sharing models are difficult to administrate and securing their implementation in user's computing environment is an unresolved challenge. This study advocates the definition of a Privacy-by-Design sharing architecture, called SWYSWYK (Share What You See with Who You Know), dedicated to the Personal Cloud context. This architecture allows each user to physically visualize the net effects of sharing rules on her Personal Cloud and automatically provides tangible guarantees about the enforcement of the defined sharing policies. The architecture relies on a secure reference monitor, a set of user defined functions only interacting with the secure monitor and isolated from the unsecure environment, and an unsecure personal cloud platform managing encrypted personal data. The SWYSWYK architecture is presented in [20]. A validation of this architecture combining PlugDB to host the secure reference monitor, a RaspberryPI to launch the isolated user defined functions and a personal computer to host the untrusted personal cloud software was demonstrated in [19]. It shows the practicality of the approach and a performance evaluation on a real Personal Cloud platform.